Why do I need my Private Search Engine?

‘We live in a digital and connected world’ is an oft-repeated statement we take for granted. The shift from analog to digital is something the current generation can’t imagine ever happened!

Each of us creates and stores vast amounts of data on a daily basis, thanks to the increased adoption of camera-equipped smartphones and tablets. Beginning in the early 2000s - this led to new market opportunities in digital data storage and security. As per the USC report, amount of data storage grew by 23% a year between 1986 and 2007.

By 2015 the households generating 1TB of data monthly already grew by 20x, and it just continues to grow! But as we create lots and lots of digital information, finding the right information when we need it is becoming harder and harder.

As an individual user or small business owner, we already store data in multiple places e.g. PCs, smartphones, tablets, hard disk drives (HDDs), network-attached storage (NAS), and cloud repositories. And with our data in so many places, it’s really hard to keep track of it all and introduces additional security issues because people end up copying the data on multiple places so that they can easily find it. Experts believe that, Data security** is the top concerns on people’s minds when looking for an ideal storage solution. 

QuikFynd provides THE Solution!

QuikFynd entered the market about six months ago to help people find their data quickly.. QuikFynd solution is offered as a search server software installed with - popular NAS devices for home and business users.

QuikFynd comes with some very useful features:

Now I can organize my content, perform intelligent searches on my data, access and share my data over local or remote networks – all this in a perfectly secure manner.

QuikFynd has become my own private search engine to find my data with the safety of my very own data storage device.

 ** ~67 percent of responding consumers (UK and USA) reported that they were concerned about the security of the Data they created and stored

(As per a survey conducted in 2015 (Source: Statista))