The world of information is abounding in data. The tidal wave of new technologies and digital devices are swamping organizations with information. Enterprises are making way to the cloud not just for flexibility but also for the compelling cost-optimization factor that comes along with the package. Considering the specter of risk and security issues that crops up with migration, and the non-virtualization of business-critical applications, companies move only a portion of the information to the cloud. However, migration to the cloud where data is stored using multiple cloud services like Google Drive, Office 365 and many others makes the search and access for relevant data a cumbersome task. The world today has come to a point where finding any information on Google with super fast results is possible. However, when it comes to finding documents in the workplace systems or on home computers, it takes far longer. Portland-based QuikFynd is positioned to meet this need of on-demand knowledge or content no matter where the data resides.
Bringing the enormous world of fragmented data at your fingertips, “QuikFynd offers intelligent search solutions to organize, search, and share data instantly in a secure manner,” explains Vikas Aditya, Founder and CEO, QuikFynd. The trending concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is escalating mobility and connectivity among various digital devices, thus aiding data to stay online all the time. QuikFynd enables users to exploit this data intelligently to offer them a unified view of the information stored on cloud, NAS devices, mobiles, laptops, tablets, or PCs. The company’s search and data organization solutions comprise of two versions- QuikFynd Lite and QuikFynd Pro.
“We establish secure tunnels between the phone and other digital devices as well as between the phones and the cloud services that users have access to. Using QuikFynd app you can access data stored on different storage devices and locations, regardless of the size, whether it is in Google Drive or Dropbox or PC or file server,” adds Aditya. The advanced features of the intelligent search through QuikFynd includes full-text search, search by name, text within images, location details from GPS tags and auto-organization of content. Users can search for documents even when they are not in the same network as their file server or NAS. QuikFynd application lets them search securely even ‘on the go’. With so many data storage options today, the company focuses on categorizing client’s data as images, documents, music and so on. Clients can type in a keyword to search for related documents. In addition to this, QuikFynd Pro can interpret texts and translate GPS information from images pointing the location of data required on the client’s device.
The firm helps a variety of information-intensive organizations. In one instance, the company’s comprehensive search and data organization solutions helped a business that offers content service to large enterprises. The client’s team comprised of editors, graphic designers, marketing and creative personnel using different devices and services to store their work. The client was losing time in organizing the content thereby creating delays in delivering the services to their customers. With the adoption of QuikFynd technology, the client was able to save significant time by aggregating the information from various individuals. After accumulation, a secure link of the information was created to send the client’s customers instead of a large attachment in the email.
With an increased appreciation for the benefits of high-quality search in the workplace, QuikFynd is moving ahead to change the way people organize, search and share their data.